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Monday, February 28, 2011

Update Monday- Bumbledoo Giveaway!

Hope everyone is starting off their week on a great note. One of my little guys has strep throat, but we are doing our best to get rid of that. Good old antibiotics.

This week does have a couple fun things in store for me though. I am pattern testing a sock monkey pattern for Monkey Shine Designs. I have never been chosen to be a pattern tester before, so I am excited about that. I can't wait to show you guys how it turns out. I have also entered as a sponsor for the Bumbledoo 5000 fan giveaway. There are so many great sponsors signed up, right now she has over 70 items that you can win! I wish all my fans the best of luck. If any of you win something you will have to come back and tell me what prize you received.

*Bumbledoo 5000 Fan Giveaway*

The item I have listed in the giveaway is a Mommy Tattoo hat (featured in this photo by Angel Baby Photography).

What is everyone else up to?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I love my customers!

I love it when my customers share photos of their children in their hats. I was especially proud of the photos I received today!
(The custom Gators emblem was made by Two Kazoos, you can find the link to the right under "My Favorite Shops".)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Showcasing my amazing photographer.

Finding a great photographer has been such a blessing to me. I love the work of Stephanie Krupicka Photography and I hope everyone in the Idaho area will check out her website to the right and contact her about booking a session.


It turns out the hardest part of blogging is actually knowing what to blog about. I feel that I spend as much time trying to come up with a witty or interesting topic as I do actually writing the blog. So to streamline things I have decided I am going to have a weekly topic for each day. For many years I ran a mom's group and this worked well there and gave us all something to look forward to chatting about. So, starting Monday the following will be my daily topics of chatter. :)

Monday- Update Monday. I will be posting what we have going on the coming up week with my 4 boys. This day will also include any parenting ideas or ?'s that I have, maybe you all can help me answer them or derive some help from my own ideas.

Talk about it Tuesday- Pet Peeve day. I always have something that is driving me nuts, do you guys? Come and vent away with me. It always feels better to get it off your chest.

Wacky Wednesday- A day for fun. On Wednesday the week is half over and everyone is gearing up to power through the last half, so I thought some levity was in order! I will be posting a weekly joke, as well as funny things my children said or did that day. Crazy kid stories always bring a smile to my face and I hope to be reading all of yours as well!

Theater Thursday- Some celeb gossip, movie premiers, show finales, fashion reviews... anything celebrity related is free game on Thursday!!

And last, but not least....
Freaky Friday. On Friday I am going to post random trivia and odd facts, just for fun.

I hope everyone will come by and not only read, but contribute their own stories, gripes and recipes to the mix!!

As soon as we get this going I will be running sales and giveaways over here instead of on fb. Also if anyone has a blog and wants to link up, please shoot me a msg and let me know. <3