It turns out the hardest part of blogging is actually knowing what to blog about. I feel that I spend as much time trying to come up with a witty or interesting topic as I do actually writing the blog. So to streamline things I have decided I am going to have a weekly topic for each day. For many years I ran a mom's group and this worked well there and gave us all something to look forward to chatting about. So, starting Monday the following will be my daily topics of chatter. :)
Monday- Update Monday. I will be posting what we have going on the coming up week with my 4 boys. This day will also include any parenting ideas or ?'s that I have, maybe you all can help me answer them or derive some help from my own ideas.
Talk about it Tuesday- Pet Peeve day. I always have something that is driving me nuts, do you guys? Come and vent away with me. It always feels better to get it off your chest.
Wacky Wednesday- A day for fun. On Wednesday the week is half over and everyone is gearing up to power through the last half, so I thought some levity was in order! I will be posting a weekly joke, as well as funny things my children said or did that day. Crazy kid stories always bring a smile to my face and I hope to be reading all of yours as well!
Theater Thursday- Some celeb gossip, movie premiers, show finales, fashion reviews... anything celebrity related is free game on Thursday!!
And last, but not least....
Freaky Friday. On Friday I am going to post random trivia and odd facts, just for fun.
I hope everyone will come by and not only read, but contribute their own stories, gripes and recipes to the mix!!
As soon as we get this going I will be running sales and giveaways over here instead of on fb. Also if anyone has a blog and wants to link up, please shoot me a msg and let me know. <3