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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Candy corn!

I am sooooo in love with this hat!!
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Friday, August 27, 2010


Well, it's supposed to be an owl. I am unsure if it looks like an owl or another creature, BUT it IS very very cute!! So one way or another it wasn't a total loss. It's all part of the learning process. Every hat I make I am trying to learn something new to propel me in the right direction to learn the correct steps! Sometimes it's very frustrating, however I don't know anyone who can help me- so the hard way it is!!! Power on. :)
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Hello- who are you!!

Why it's a little owl taking shape! :D What do you guys think of that?! :)
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Thursday, August 26, 2010

What is it??

Any guesses as to my next creation??
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Custom spider

Started my custom spider hat for Tanya today. :)
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This is MY FIRST order! I am so nervous and excited as well to have sold something. I almost decided to just call it quits on the 1st order because it is so nerve racking LOL!! I do think it turned out beautifully though once I was done nitpicking it to death. :)
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Friday, August 20, 2010

Coming along!!

I love how it's turning out! I think Logan likes orange. He actually let me try this one on him. :)
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What is it??

Maybe I should ask what is it supposed to be because I have never made one of these before and I have no clue how it will turn out. LOL
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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Plum Spark

SPARKLE yarn!! I looove it and could not resist it!! I can't wait to try this yarn out and I am really hoping it is not hard to work with! This will be soooo cute on my little niece. And what do you know- it's her fav color also!!
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

All done!

This is my 1st bunny hat. I think it turned out really well. :D Very happy with my effort. I hope my friend Dee will love what I have done with her request. What is esp unique about this hat if that it has 2 different sides and can be worn forward or backward for photos (the back side is pure white).
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Putting the bunny hat together :)

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Bunny Ears!

My first bunny ears- made for Diane's nephew's wee hat. :)
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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Beginning.

I am just learning to make different hats and different stitches and I am excited to take you all along on my journey with me. Sometimes it is hard to concentrate on my new "job" with a baby who is grabbing, unraveling and knotting my yarn- but I am determined to persevere!! So please take a seat and join me on my journey to become the best that I can be. :D